I once asked Dr Front “what should I do to become mindless?” He said “You don’t need to DO anything?”

But is it that easy? Yes, it is. Dr Damian explained, that the problem with the world is that people DO too much. They rush around trying to make the world a better place by throwing money at the poor, by going abroad to help to alleviate suffering or by researching cures for illness. But they are deluding themselves.

As students for generations have known, to change the world for the better you don’t need to DO anything. Just suggest that people stop saying things which upset you, remove statues which remind them of disagreeable things or (most simple of all) that they change the words they use. When they do as you suggest you will no longer know where you are or even who you thought you were.

Thank you Dr Damian for introducing me to mindlessness.

Dead White Male (Weber)

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