Problems with swearing?

Are you addicted to Foul Language? Find yourself using rude words on formal occasions? Do you swear in front of children and clergymen? Many people find they are unable to resist profanity but are overcome by remorse at the social embarrassment it causes themselves and their loved ones.

Well, with you can say “bollocks to all that”. If you follow the 12 Step Program (and don’t forget the all important Step 1) you need never worry about any form of social embarrassment again. In fact you will be well on your way to becoming a rich and famous celebrity. Click HEREto see the results that you can achieve.

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Insomnia? A Doctor writes…

Scientists have proven that 78.2% of the population just doesn’t get a good night’s sleep. Are you one of them? If you follow the 12 Steps to Mindlessness your sleep will improve but sometimes we all need a little extra help. No, I’m not talking about class A drugs. I’m talking about Sound Therapy. The benefits are enormous. Just listen to our downloads late at night and early in the morning for 10 minutes and sleep is guaranteed. They are available from the store for a subscription of only £99.99 a month. Click HERE for a free introductory sample.

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Jezza’s Story

My parents were both big thinkers and I started thinking from a very young age. I guess that I thought that it was clever to think. “Dialectical materialism”, “means of production”, “global inequality”: I couldn’t get enough of it. Thinking cost me my education and I flunked my A levels and my poly course. Thinking also wrecked my personal life: it cost me two marriages.I couldn’t get a proper job and ended up an official for the National Union of Tailors and Garment Makers even though I couldn’t sow a button on my flies. It won’t surprise you to hear that I ended up in Parliament. I felt useless and there seemed nowhere else to go.

Then earlier this year I met Dr Damian Front. He saw what had happened to me and asked me to a meeting. It changed my life. It wasn’t easy but with Dr Damian as my sponsor I completed the 12 step program and discovered mindlessness. It stopped me having any thoughts at all. I became leader of the Labour Party without even thinking it was possible. Thank you, Dr Damian.


(image Garry Knight, Wikimedia Commons)

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