As we become more practised at using mindlessness for breathing and uncluttering our minds of thoughts so we can learn to become more thoughtless and less distressed. We can now also learn to apply mindlessness to our daily activities such as walking. Before you walk we suggest you put on shoes. But what if you don’t own a suitable pair of shoes for practising mindlessness? They are easy to find. You can buy pair here HERE.

Now that you have put on your shoes, stand up. Feel the weight on your feet. Now shift your weight to your left leg and begin to lift your right foot up. Move it forward then place it back on the ground. Then shift your weight to your right leg and lift your left foot up. Move it forward then place it back on the ground. Repeat. Soon you will be able to do this for minutes on end without thinking at all, leaving you free to shop for more shoes like THESE . Amazing, isn’t it?


Now go to STEP 9